Now that it's summer break, I don't have anything to do until I start my job search in July. In the mean time, I really want to get my life in order. I want to make some major changes, and I feel as though I need this. I need to clean, organize, and get healthy.
- Clean & Organize (Room, Closet, Bathroom)
Totally dreading my closet, btw. It's a complete and utter mess. Maybe I'll do a before & after post. - Donate everything I don't/won't use.
- Figure out what to do with the 25 bottles of self-tanning lotion I bought on a spending binge last year. (I am an idiot.)
- Organize & box up all of Dawson's baby clothes.
- Plan out my diet & exercise routine.
- Print out healthy recipes online.
- Organize the recipes I already have.
- Get rid of my gigantic heap of magazines I've collected over the past 4-5 years. (How? I don't know, yet.)
- New layouts! (For both this blog & my tumblr)
I've been putting some veggies into mine & Dawson's daily smoothies because we're both not the biggest fans of carrots. They surprisingly don't taste any different and are twice as healthy.
This particular smoothie's got bananas, celery, carrots, grapes, strawberries, apples, some plain vanilla yogurt, coconut milk, & ice. It was delicious.