Toasted Marshmallow Shake

I came across this recipe last week and decided I definitely needed to try it out. It's a toasted marshmallow shake! Personally, I enjoy the taste of burnt marshmallows, so mine were more burnt than toasted, haha! It was absolutely delicious. Although Dawson did drink most of it.. I don't mind, though. I need to stick to my healthy diet.

toasted marshmallow shake

10 marshmallows (plus extra for garnish, if desired)
1 (heaping) cup vanilla ice cream
1/2 cup milk (I used 2%)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

toasted marshmallow shake

toasted marshmallow shake

toasted marshmallow shake
(Blurry, but just to show that I kept to my diet and only had a small amount.)

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1 Response to Toasted Marshmallow Shake

  1. Ke says:

    that looks amazing!!!! :) now i'm hungry

    my makeup blog:

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