I got flowers!

The doorbell rang at about 11am this morning and when I opened the door, a man greeted me with flowers, saying they were for "Samantha-Lee". I was like "Hey! That's me!"; He prompted me to sign a paper on his clipboard and handed it to me. I was so surprised! The card didn't have a name on it, but it did have a phone number which wasn't mine.. so I hunted down the owner to this number and it ended up being my twin, Danny Lee's! The flowers are so pretty and I love 'em! Dawson thinks they're pretty, too.. he keeps pointing at them, smiling saying "Mom!"



More after the jump..

Cuuute little elephant vase!



And for laughs, an OLD picture of me & my twinny circa 2007!


As you can see, we're not really twins.. but we'll save that story for another day.

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